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EP&T brings together the best of hardware, software and services to provide a holistic approach to building optimisation with the EDGE Platform.

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EP&T has proven global deployment capabilities.

500+ buildings, 26 countries across 5 continents.

We will assess your existing infrastructure, bring forth a proposed data capture design, and manage the integration and commissioning process to ensure your data is consistent and accurate.


The EDGE platform collects data 24/7 via different processes and from multiple sources.

Information related to occupancy, historic utility consumption and operational data are also collated, cleansed, correlated and analysed by the EDGE platform.

Together, these sources provide 360 degrees of visibility, and work to highlight the ‘not so obvious’ causes of energy and water wastage. These insights are then transformed into actionable tasks that, once implemented, will cut costs, optimise usage, boost sustainability ratings and improve asset performance overall.


Building Management System (BMS) & Production data

Energy Management System (EMS) & sub-metering

Sensors & Internet of Things

Occupancy & Functions data

Weather stations


Our library of algorithms has built up over 20 years and covers all aspects of building operations. Machine learning further optimises for the specifics of your building across various weather and operational fluctuations.

Not limited to what's happening in the building, EDGE also constantly review the purity and completeness of the data we receive and have proprietary data repair tools to ensure that data from EDGE is Accurate, Auditable and Actionable.

If data and reports are all you need, EDGE Essential will get you up and running. If you'd like support on the analytics and optimisation front, read on!



Powering EDGE Insight, the optimisation tools within EDGE provide customers with curated optimisation recommendations. Alongside regular meetings with our team and action items, EP&T ensures that those recommendations become reality as easily as possible.

Our Customer Delivery team collaborates with building managers and specialist contractors to ensure that each recommendation is tuned for the unique circumstances of your building, no matter the complexity.

If ROI is your thing, EDGE Insight+ unlocks the full potential of EDGE, including a minimum savings guarantee for ultimate peace of mind.